Monday, December 19, 2016

This 9 State Of The World Has Nuclear Weapons

Russia's Strategic Nuclear Missiles
 The world is not free from anxiety. The outbreak of World War III, or the return of the Cold War, continues to haunt.

Dire predictions that intensified after the situation in Iraq, Syria and Yemen still not conducive.

The Turkish government also made a shocking statement. They predicted what happened in Mosul could be the trigger World War III.

Not just the situation in Mosul, the situation on the Korean Peninsula was no less alarming.

Circumstances worsened by the act of North Korea several times to test missiles. The most severe when at the beginning of September they conduct an underground nuclear test.
North Korea's action sparked outrage. The international community also encourage Pyongyang sanctioned by the UN Security Council.

Nuclear weapons have long entered in the category of mass destruction with the explosive power of extraordinary magnitude. It said a nuclear bomb can be destroyed a city.

Since the holding of the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty (NPT) in 1968, nuclear weapons 'secured' not to be used, even for a country which is empowered to have it, is not allowed to transfer the technology of nuclear weapons or warheads to other countries.

The world is open only North Korea who have nuclear weapons. There are some other countries that have them, openly or secretly.
Here are a number of countries that have nuclear weapons as summarized Newsmoved  from various sources:

 1. United States
US to build its first nuclear weapon in collaboration with the United Kingdom and Canada during World War II took place. The project is part of the Manhattan Project. They build nuclear weapons is based on the fear that Nazi Germany would build the first nuclear weapons.

US nuclear test raises the most grief was when they dropped the atomic bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and August 9, 1945.

Atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima, killing 140,000 of the 350 thousand people who live in that city. Currently, there are 60,000 survivors are still alive. The average age approaching 80 years.
LGM-30G 'Minuteman III' (ICBM)
Not after the suffering of victims of the Hiroshima bomb, three days later, the United States dropped an atomic bomb back to Nagasaki - that led to Japan's surrender on August 15, 1945.

The US is also the first countries to develop a hydrogen bomb, test try "Ivy Mike" in 1952 and a version that can be used in battle in 1954 "Castle Bravo". Until 2014, the US is thought to have 7,300 nuclear weapons.

2. Russian
Russia is building a weapon when he was named the Soviet Union in 1949. They are the second country in the world that a nuclear test.
Russian Nuclear M-Topol  (Reuters)

The main objective of the Soviet nuclear build to balance their power in the face of the cold war.

According to data from Business Insider, approximately two years ago Russia had 8,000 nuclear weapons.

3. United Kingdom
The first nuclear weapons were built by the British in 1952, was named Hurricane. This is part of the project along with the US and Canada. During World War II, Britain's nuclear weapons affixed military submarines.

Illustration Of The British Nuclear Forces (Wikipedia)
In 2016 the British lower house of parliament update our deterrent nuclear weapons that have.

4. France
Pracis first nuclear test in 1960 is somewhat unique. The reason is, that they do with their own research without the help of other countries.
French Aircraft Carrier Charles De Gaulle (Right) And The USS Enterprise-Owned US Nuclear Weapon Equipped (Wikipedia)
Motivation French nuclear build is triggered diplomatic tensions, the Suez crisis between the Soviet Union against world coalition led by the UK and US.

5. Chinese
China to build and test their nuclear weapons 596, in 1964. Bamboo Curtain country to make it as a weapon of defense of Russia and the US.
Illustrasi Chinese Nuclear
Currently, China is thought to have 240 nuclear weapons. They also signed the NPT in 1992.

6. India
India is a country that has nuclear weapons but is not part of the NPT. The first trial they did in 1974.
At that time, the trial is given the name of peaceful nuclear explosions. India's nuclear development is done secretly.
India Missile Nuclear
Earlier in 1960 India has refused to sign the NPT. They state, all nuclear development efforts done by peaceful purposes. Therefore, wide world was worrying the Indian action taken.

7. Pakistan
Just like India, Pakistan also did not sign the NTP. Over the years of nuclear development project is always kept secret.

Illustrasi Pakistan Nuclear (Reuters)
Nuclear weapons development conducted in the late 1970s. Karachi is Pakistan where scientists develop such weapons. Early 2013 predicted Pakistan has nuclear weapons as much as 120 pieces.

8. North Korea
North Korea had been a member of the NPT. However, back off on January 10, 2003. This decision they take after the US accused North Korea conduct uranium enrichment in the amount of mass.

In mid-2016, the International Agency for Nuclear Energy (IAEA) said North Korea was reactivating its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon.

Trials Korean Nuclear
North Korea routinely claims about the development of nuclear and missile programs. But according to analysts, most of these claims impossible to verify independently. 

9. Israel
The article in the newspaper The Sunday Times of London on October 5, 1986 proclaiming shocking news. Through the news, what the Zionist state secret finally revealed. Israel appeared to have a nuclear weapons program that was developed secretly.

Illustrasi Israel Nuclear
Previously, Israel has never admitted to having nuclear weapons, although the majority of defense experts believe the country has developed nuclear warheads since the 1960s.
Wrecker this fact is Mordechai Vanunu. The man was a former army sergeant who had worked as a technician at the nuclear power plant in the Negev.

Israel itself, refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty or to allow international monitoring of the Dimona plant in the Negev Desert in southern Israel.

According to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in 2014, the number of nuclear warheads possessed Israel amounted to 80 pieces.



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