Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Various Positions Volleyball Players Along With The Names And Duties

Newsmoved: Various positions volleyball players along with the names and duties. In volleyball sports game, each player has the duties and roles of each. And the functions or duties of volleyball players is closely associated with the position players. For some people that is not a volleyball player may be very confused with the rules and the position of the various positions in the game of volleyball this. therefore, in this article we will share a little bit about the kinds of position players in volleyball, designations or names of the players on their positions and duties, as well as the rules of rotation (rotation) players in the sport of volleyball.

Here is a picture Miscellaneous volleyball player position:

In shape (formation) volleyball games, the number one player called / named as a server (the player who served), the second player and fourth named speakers (Smasher), the third player called a tosser or set-upper, player number five and six named as defender or libero. The following description of the function of the role or duties of each of these players:
1. Set-Upper or Tosser is a volleyball player who served as the playmaker of the team. Tosser will generally feed or pass the ball to teammates with a variety of baits to speakers so that speakers can conduct attacks that make it difficult or even shut down the opponent. Kualiatas feed and the intelligence of a tosser in providing variations bait has a very big role for the team's victory. Aside from being a playmaker, a tosser also have to master the technique of smash and blocking.

2. Spiker (Smasher) is a volleyball player whose job is to smash a punch or attack resulting in a point or a value for the team. A speaker must have the ability to carry out such attacks smash a good punch. Because the speaker position has always been at the front, ie positions 2 and 4, a speaker must also be able to master the technique of blocking (stem the opponent's attack).
3. Libero is a volleyball player on duty to accept or resist attacks from opponents. Because the role of libero is to resist or accept an opponent's attack by using a ball passing, passing either the upper or lower passing, then one who plays libero must own or control technique with excellent passing. Libero players in and out freely but may not hit a smash or blocking.

4. Defender is a volleyball player who survive to receive an opponent's attack.

Turnover or shifting the position of the player (Rotation) :
Rotating the players do when a change of service the ball, and the team that performed the rotation or shifting the position of the players is the team that did the service. Player rotation is done clockwise.


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