Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Iran: Donald Trump Can Trigger World War And The Destruction of Israel

Donald Trump, Source: Forbes
Newmoved-Tehran: Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan warned, was elected president of the United States (US), Donald Trump could trigger a world war and the 'destruction' of Israel as well as smaller countries in the Persian Gulf if he provokes strength in the Middle East.

The statement appeared to remember the victory Dehghan Trump could threaten the nuclear agreement signed administration of Barack Obama in 2015 ago.

During the US presidential election campaign, Trump loudly criticized the agreement requires Iran to limit its nuclear program in return for the lifting of international sanctions against the oil industry and the State finances the Mullahs.

"Every commander in chief worthy defend this country should be prepared for the January 20, 2017 (US presidential inauguration day) and rip this deal is a disaster," said Trump in September 2015.

Billionaire who was elected as the 45th US president also said that the agreement was the worst deal ever negotiated.

Iranian Defense Minister claims the entry of Trump White House has caused panic among the US allies in the Gulf region.

"No matter how a businessman or their assistants who choose a different path for him, but this has sparked anxiety particularly among countries of the Persian Gulf. Given the character Trump and he measure everything in dollars, it seems unlikely he would take firm action against the state us, "said Dehghan in Tehran as reported by Mehr news agency and quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (13/12/2014).

                              Also Read: Unplug US Sanctions, Iran Entire Stock Boeing..

"The enemy might want to battle with us based on incorrect calculations and consider only their material capabilities. War means destruction of the Zionist regime (Israel) and will engulf the whole region to finally trigger a world war," he added.

Dehghan also warned that the war will destroy the small towns on the southern coast of the Persian Gulf as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Qatar is an ally of the West.

Just like Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also strongly criticized the nuclear agreement. He even hopes to cooperate with Trump to destroy it.

"I know Donald Trump. And I think of his attitude, his support for Israel is clear. He was very friendly with the Jewish state, the Jewish people," said Netanyahu.

Director of the CIA, John Brennan has warned Trump that disturb contested nuclear agreement with Iran is a "high level of stupidity".

"I think it would be a disaster. It really would be a disaster: for a government to tear up the agreements made by the previous administration. This is unprecedented," said Brennan.

According to Brennan, efforts to destroy the agreement will lead other countries in the region are involved in a military conflict.

Similar disclosed by Jacob Parakilas, an expert on US foreign policy in a think tank based in London, Chatham House.

"There is no advantage for the US to cancel the deal at this stage," said Parakilas.

"It's almost impossible to convince Europe, Russia, and China to restore sanctions against Iran if there is evidence of violation of the relevant ...," he added.

Iran has long supported armed groups committed "wipe" Israel off the map. Israel is the fear that Iran's nuclear program is used for such purposes.

Iran is currently involved in two conflicts. First in Syria, where the country was led by Hassan Rouhani Bechar to support the regime of President al-Assad.

While the second, Iran also falls in the conflict in Yemen. Tehran alliance with the Houthis against the regime of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who supported coalition of Saudi Arabia.



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