Tuesday, January 24, 2017

China Jet Flying Over South China Sea, Threats Create Trump?

Jet China Terbang di Atas Laut China Selatan, Ancaman Buat Trump? (Reuters)
Newsmoved: China to show off its military power. This time, an bombers flew over the disputed area of ​​the South China Sea.
Some observers said the action was a message containing a threat to the United States.
Xian H-6 jet capable of carrying nuclear weapons flew over the South China Sea, a few days after US President-elect, Donald Trump do a controversial call by the leader of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen.

Quoted from News.com.au, Monday (12/12/2016), talks Trump with Miss Tsai, making it the first US president to break the US policy that has been built for decades.

On Thursday, December 8, 2016, fighter jets Chinese H-6 bomber flew over the 'Nine-Dash line', then swirled tens times above the middle of the islands in dispute.

These flights, is the second time since the first time Trump elected and fly long over the demarcation line since March last year.

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The US side told Fox News said the bomber jet flight over the territory of sengekata deliberately to send a message to the administration Trump after the controversial call.

"The Chinese military has expanded its capabilities and increase the frequency of their air force patrols in the South China Sea and the Western Pacific in recent years," said Ashley Townshend of the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.

"It's a message from China that they have strengthened and expanded their military power, and will not do diplomacy again nor the provocations of the US," said Townshend.

China has warned anyone who violates the policy of 'One China' would destroy US relations with China.

Washington formally cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979.

The status of Taiwan is a sensitive issue for relations between Washington and Beijing.

However, at the end of last week, Fox News, Trump questioned to what continues its policy of One China 'if none concessions from the Bamboo Curtain country to Uncle Sam in terms of trade and a variety of other issues.

"I do not want China to dictate to me," said Trump.

"I do not know why we stick to the One China policy unless we make an agreement with China, including trade."

Eccentric billionaire also said China can not cooperate with the United States related to the currency, the issue of North Korea, and the high tension in the South China Sea.


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