Friday, January 27, 2017

How To Accelerate The Performance Of Windows 10

Newsmoved: London - Sometimes we sense a slowdown in performance on Windows 10, whether it is permanent or merely temporary. And certainly there are some things that cause the performance of Windows 10 is not as fast as we want.
Before running a few tips to speed up Windows 10 below, there is no harm if you restart Windows first because sometimes the problem will disappear by itself after we restart.

1. Temukan Program With Use of CPU, Memory, and Disk Yang High
Task Manager
Computer or laptop can run very slow if any programs are using the CPU, memory and disk are very high.
Perhaps there is a process of certain programs that use excessive resources which resulted in a decrease in the performance of Windows.
To find open Task Manager. Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager option or press Ctrl + Shift + Escape to open it. Click the header "CPU", "Memory" and "Disk" to find which programs use the resources that are likely most. To force a program just right click on specific programs and select the "End Task".
2. Close Program In System Tray
System Tray
Many applications tend to run in the system tray or notification area.
Such applications started at startup and hidden behind the arrow icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click the arrow icon near the system tray and close the program if it were not necessary to conserve resources will indirectly accelerate Windows.

3. Prevent Program Runs On Startup
Task Manager Startup
The next way is to prevent certain applications running at startup to save memory and CPU as well as accelerate the process of login to Windows.
To prevent the program from running at startup we can use the Task Manager. First open the Task Manager and then click on the "Startup" tab and disable any programs that are likely not so important.

4. Reduce Visual Effects
Performance Options
Windows pretty much use of visual effects, and these effects can slow your computer or laptop.
By reducing the affect-effects in Windows then when we minimize or memaximizie window will be noticeably faster.
To disable visual effects, press Windows Key + X or right-click the Start button and select "System". Click the "Advanced System Settings" on the left and click the "Settings" button under Performance. Select "Adjust for best performance" to disable all animations, or select "Custom" and disabling effects if it were burdensome.

5. Lighten The Web Browser
Web Browser Extensions
It could be that aggravate your computer or laptop web browser instead of you because too many extensions or add-ons that are installed so that the memory usage of the web browser will be so high that resulted in slowdown of Windows performance.
So disable extensions or add-ons that are not needed, is expected to accelerate the performance of Windows.

6. Scan Windows To Removing Malware and Adware
Scan Windows
It's good we are also trying to determine if there are any malware or adware that slows down our Windows.
Use software such as Malwarebytes to ascertain whether any malware and adware.
7. Disk Too Full
Disk Cleanup
If the hard drive is full then we will slow down the system as a whole so check how much capacity is left on your hard drive.
To clean up our hard drives could use the Disk Cleanup tool that is built from Windows.

8. Defragmentig Notebook
Defragment Tool
At the recent Windows (Windows 7, 8, 10) we actually do not need to manually mendfragment our hard drives for Windows is already making my own schedule and analyze when Windows will mendfragment hard drive.
But for example, we have just copied a few GB of files and Windows have not had mendefragmentnya then we can do it manually by using Defragment Tool and perform a scan if the hard drive needs to be defragmented.

9. Uninstall Programs Do not We Use
Uninstall Program
Open the control panel and uninstall unnecessary programs from there.
By uninstalling programs you no longer use so we can speed up our laptop computer because sometimes a program is still running behind the scenes, at the system startup, system services etc.

10. Reset Windows
Reset Windows
If the above tips can not solve your problem then the last step you can do is to reset Windows so that Windows back like new when we install.

Those are some ways that you can do to speed up the performance of Windows 10. If there is no question or want to comment using the comments field that has been provided.


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