Sunday, December 18, 2016

13 Crazy Earthquake Facts Uncommon Unknown Person

Examples Due To Quake Damage

Newsmoved: Evidence of past earthquakes in the earthquake can be traced back to 1831 BC in Shandong Province, China. However, the recording of the new complete enough to begin in 780 BC, during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty in China.

At that time, people did not understand why the soil their great shakes - is not only a devastating impact, but also could invite a giant wave came and crashing.

Even with the Japanese people, when Ansei-Nankai earthquake in 1854 to kill about 10,000 lives.

They are busy blaming mythical animal, a giant catfish on the death and damage caused by the earthquake estimated at magnitude 8.4 on the Richter scale it.

Catfish named Namazu was supposedly lived in the bowels of the earth, just below Japan. Illegal movement of fish in black and headed sprawl believed to have triggered severe shocks.

Only god Kashima who can control polahnya. Using a large stone placed at the head of the animal. Similar matador bull riding.
Namazu, lele raksasa dalam mitologi Jepang (Japan Times)
When the god Kashima negligent supervision, Namazu wild. The earthquake took place. In places and different cultural background, people blame turtles, cows, pigs, hog deer, anger the gods, to the penalty for the sins of mankind as the cause of the earthquake.

New in 1760, the cause of the earthquake is described scientifically by British engineer John Michell - who later became the father of seismology first. He said, the earthquake and the resulting wave of energy caused by a shift of rock located deep underground. Although the earthquake has rocked throughout human civilization, however, there are a number of facts a number of earthquakes that not many people know, from that sound scientific to the seemingly 'crazy' - unimaginable.

Here are 13 facts quake 'crazy' that Newsmoved quoted portion of an article entitled 13 Crazy Earthquake Facts published on the website of science, LiveScience, Saturday (12/10/2016).

1. March Of The Most Potential Earthquake?
In 2010, experts from the Missouri University of Science & Technology. Stephen S. Gao said, a period of 15 to the rear, the Earth's seismic activity to become more active. But not all scientists agree with him. Earlier, in a conversation with, a geologist from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Dr. Danny Hilman Natawijaya said the quake occurred more frequently after the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Aceh in 2004, "Aceh earthquake in 2004 raised the stress (pressure). Like us, the Earth can also be stressful. The earthquake raised the level of stress," he added.

 2. City Of SanFrancisco To Move Closer To Los Angeles

San Andreas Fault (Wikipedia)
The City of San Francisco to move closer to Los Angeles, an average of 2 inches per year - the same pace as the growth of your fingernails. The movement occurs when two sides of the fault (fault) San Andreas each pierced with one another. In a few million years, the two cities will converge.

Previously, the devastating earthquake that shook Baja California and the southwestern United States, April 4, 2010, has shifted the limits of California Cities. Thus radar revealed the US space agency, NASA.

Calexico, California - near the US-Mexico border shifted more than 2.5 feet or 80 centimeters to the south and the surface down due to an earthquake of 7.2 on the Richter scale.

The devastating earthquake called El Mayor-Perla, centered 52 kilometers south of southeast Calexico - this is the largest earthquake that shook the region in 120 years.

3. Some People Believe, March Is The Month Of The Earthquake

Some people believe, March is the month of the earthquake. However, the assumption was unscientific. It is true, on March 28, 1964, Prince William Sound, Alaska, earthquake of 9.2 on the Richter scale - one of the biggest ever shake. A total of 125 people died at that time. Lindu also caused property loss of US $ 311 million.

Meanwhile, on March 9, 1957, Andreanof in Alaska Islands rocked by earthquake with 9.1 magnitude strength. However, the three biggest US earthquakes that occurred later in February, November, and December.

Giant Wave Destroyed The Housing Around, Sweep The house, And Also Cause The Building To Collapse As Well As A Number Of Overpasses
The massive earthquake that rocked Chile in 2010 occurred on 27 February. And the devastating earthquake of 9.1 magnitude that followed the devastating tsunami in Aceh and a number of coastal areas of the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004. Nevertheless, the magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami that killed about 15 thousand people and triggered the worst nuclear crisis since World War II in the State Sakura - occurred on March 11, 2011.

4. Earthquake Could Nudge Pairs Earth
There are about 500,000 earthquakes that occurred in the year around the world - at least that is detected by sensitive instruments. About 100 thousand of them could be felt, and 100 or more potentially cause damage. Each year the southern California area experienced about 10,000 earthquakes, but most are not felt by residents.

Meanwhile, the US Geological Survey (USGS) predicts millions of earthquakes occur worldwide each year. Many of which were not detected by agencies meteorology and geophysics were scattered on Earth.

At least, there was an earthquake with a scale of 8 on the Richter scale rocked every year, while 15 magnitude 7 to 7.9 magnitude earthquake occurred about 15 times.

 5. The Sun And The Moon Turned Out To Cause Tremors
The sun and the moon turned out to cause tremors. It has long been known that these two celestial bodies it creates tides in the Earth's crust - a very small version of the ocean tides. Some researchers say, the appeal of the Sun and Moon stimulates vibrations underground along the San Andreas Fault.
Some people also believe, supermoon phenomenon can trigger earthquakes.
Supermoon Phenomenon Is Near The Power And Light Buiding In Kansas City, Missouri, USA (13/11). This Phenomenon Is Most Big And Bright Moon Within 70 Years (Reuters / Dave Kaup)   
Some disaster did happen within walking distance of the celestial phenomena, including earthquakes and tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011. However, many scientists are calling, that notion is nonsense. 

6. A City In Chile Shifted 10 Feet
A city in Chile shifted 10 feet or 3 meters when a 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck on February 27, 2010.
Billion Of The YearsOn The Planet Earth, There Are Still Many Unknowns About A Planet
The shift in the Earth's crust shifting to the west of the city. Not only that, the earthquake also shifted Earth's axis and shortened days of age. As stated by scientists United States Space Agency (NASA).

Changes in the Earth's axis is not significant, but take a permanent where, according to preliminary calculations, the days will become shorter by 1.26 microseconds. One microsecond is equivalent to one per one million seconds.

 7. Tsunami Aceh Make Earth Increasingly Round
There are no so-called 'earthquake weather' (earthquake weather). "Statistically, the time of the earthquake evenly in cold weather, hot weather, rainy weather, and so forth," according to a US Geological Survey (USGS).

Scientists say, no chance for the weather to affect the power contained several kilometers below the Earth's surface where the quake was centered.

Changes in air pressure in the atmosphere is very small compared with the power in the Earth's crust. Effects of air pressure can not reach the underground.

8. The Protrusion Earth Trimmed Slightly When
An Earthquake Of 9.1 Magnitudo in Aceh
The protrusion Earth trimmed slightly when an earthquake of 9.1 magnitude in Aceh - which triggered a deadly tsunami on December 26, 2004. The bulge in the belly of the Earth associated with the measurement from pole to pole.
Dome Of The Mosque Al-Tsunami Wave That Swept Away By Tsunami
With the reduction of the ridge, our planet becomes more rounded.

 9. The Pacific Ring Of Fire Is The Region's Most Geologically Active Planet
Ring' is in fact shaped like a horseshoe that includes 400 underwater mountains and stretches 25 thousand miles from New Zealand, passing through Indonesia, Japan, China, Russia, the Bering Strait, and ends in South America.
Indonesia Ring Of  Fire (Wikipedia)

In these areas, about 90 percent of the world's earthquakes occur, according to the USGS.

10. Oil Exploitation Could Actually Trigger Small Earthquake Or Monir
Oil exploitation could actually trigger small earthquakes or minor. Therefore, oil is usually found in sedimentary soft and slippery.

When mined, another rock would move to fill the void and create events 'mini-seismic' can not be felt by humans.

11. Most Deadly Earthquake
The largest earthquake ever recorded measuring 9.5 magnitude in Chile on May 22, 1960. The strength greater than the strength of the earthquake that triggered the tsunami in Aceh coast and the Indian Ocean on December 24, 2004 amounted to SR 9.1.

The epicenter or epicenter was off the coast near Canete, about 900 km south of Santiago, capital of Chile. Lindu occur as a result of subduction of the Nazca plate under South American plate.

The result was incredible, the destruction occurs everywhere. Especially in Valdivia, where half the buildings there destroyed. So the earthquake is called the '1960 Valdivia Earthquake (Terremoto de Valdivia)' or 'Great Chilean earthquake (Gran terremoto de Chile)'.

Earthquake 9.0 Magnitude Shook Chile On May 22, 1960 (USGS)
Not only that, the survivors of the quake must face that did not surprise awaited: a tsunami. About 15 minutes after the earthquake, a giant 25-meter waves hit the coastal areas. "Thousands of people have been killed," he reported at the time, was quoted as saying on the CBS News website.

"A quarter of Chile's population, or more than 2 million people homeless. The whole town is devastated."

It is estimated that the death toll in Chile reached 1,655 people. Including the richest merchant in Maullin, Ramon Atala. Although it survived the quake, "he lost his life while trying to save his precious cargo," said NOAA loaded.

The shock waves caused by the earthquake in Chile was also felt around the world, triggering a deadly tsunami. Then, 15 hours later, the giant waves hit Hilo and the Big Island in Hawaii - which lies more than 6,000 miles from Chile. As a result, 600 houses were damaged, 185 people were confirmed dead or missing.

Do not stop there. A day later, the tsunami height of more than 5 meters struck Japan, killing 138 people. Giant waves then bounce back, crossing the Pacific Ocean, to the Philippines - causing 32 people dead or missing - and then to the US west coast and creates havoc in California.

12. Earthquake In One Side Of The Earth Can Shake The Other Side
Earthquake in one side of the Earth can shake the other side. Seismologists studying the massive earthquake in 2004 in Aceh, triggering a devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

The experts found that the quake had weakened at least partially the San Andreas Fault. Meanwhile, the 1960 Chile earthquake shook the entire Earth for a few days. A phenomenon called oscillations measured by seismic stations scattered throughout the world.

13. The Most Deadly Earthquake In Human History Occurred
On January 23, 1556 In Shansi, China
At that time, an earthquake with a magnitude of about 8 SR rocked China. Shocks that occur within minutes wreak havoc.

"In the region of Hua, a bad thing after another happened. Mountains and rivers changed positions, the streets were damaged. In some places the ground suddenly rose in a new hill, or ambles into the hollow of the valley," he told in the annals of China, such as
Newsmoved quotation from the book 30 Years' Review of China's Science & Technology, 1949-1979.

Great burst river flow, soil fracturing forming a long cavity width of the gutter. Water spurting here and there.

All the buildings were destroyed. Human lives was floated on a massive scale. At least 830 thousand people or 60 percent of the population of the affected region were killed by the devastating earthquake, fires for days, freezing in the cold, flood, or even the extensive looting afterwards.


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