Friday, December 23, 2016

ISIS Brainwashing Children To Attack US And European Symbols

ISIS Flag, Source: Google
Newsmoved: Raqqa - ISIS provides applications to be able to access sites that contain violent content directed at children, both men and women, in the territory. It happened along with the use of children in combat in Iraq and Syria.

According to military officials and security, efforts to create a generation of terrorists that followed amid evidence of a new movement in recruiting young people in the West to carry out attacks in Europe and America, as well as to the Middle East to join the battle.
There is a sharp increase in the number of children at the forefront, which is expected to reach 50,000 people, following a major defeat faced when the militant group ISIS maintains Mosul in Iraq and the 'mother city' Raqqa in Syria.

About 300 young militants were killed, mostly in suicide bombings. However, ISIS is estimated to have more than 1,500 new young militants.
Seconds a boy named Isa Dare to blow up a car containing three prisoners ISIS
Quoted from the Independent, Tuesday (12/20/2016), security officials also warned of serious problems over what to do about children being indoctrinated after the conflict ended.

According to security sources, the Internet became a common way to do the indoctrination of children, both in the West and the Middle East. The British government reveal that as many as 50 young people have been prevented from leaving the UK to go to Syria for the last 12 months.

Of the dozens of suspects, all teenagers, reported to have been arrested in Belgium last week on charges of plotting an attack market Christmas shoppers purposes. In addition, a 12 year old teenager was arrested in Ldwigshafen, Germany, earlier this month after trying to detonate a nail bomb at a Christmas market.

ISIS set up a stall in a number of territory in Iraq and Syria, where the children can use the app to read the online magazine ISIS, Rumiyah, as well as sites that teach them Arabic.

Applications for 'Poison' Mind Children

Figure pistol and tanks available in abundance at the site to learn Arabic as well as a number of landmarks in Europe and America. "What they did was heinous act, they are willing to use children to carry out suicide bombing attacks: apocalyptic visions they ruin people wherever they are in power. What they are trying lakuakn is making problems with the ideology of their toxic," said Colonel John Dorrian of US Leadership Coalition against ISIS.

"They have even created an application that is used to indoctrinate children, who should use them to learn Arabic. But the words that they used in the study was related to violence and extremism, such as tanks and grenades."
"Children will be rewarded if they said it was ready to carry out attacks against the West, a number of target areas such as the Statue of Liberty, Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower."
A boy blond hair and angel-faced tub ISIS militants were forced to shoot a captive in Iraq, Source: Daily Mail
"We are very concerned that what they learned through the application turn into reality. But at the same time, we must keep these children when the time has come, incalculable loss that has been done to them need to be stopped," said Dorrian. Most of the children who joined ISIS comes from Syria and Iraq, followed by Yemen and Morocco are derived from outside the area. There are also about 50 children from the UK, France, Australia, and a number of other Western countries.

"We need to consider what needs to be done for these children. Some of them are used to commit criminal acts, some of which are truly terrible, being under the age of criminal responsibility in many.


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