Friday, December 23, 2016

Police Hold 5 Unexpected Followers ISIS Christmas Bombing Planner Melbourne

Stasiun Flinders, Source: Forbes

Newsmoved: Melbourne - Australian police foiled bomb plot as part of Melbourne on Christmas Day, in an attack planned and inspired by the terror group ISIS.

"As a result of this investigation, we believe it has to neutralize the threat," said Commissioner of Victoria Police, Graham Ashton told a news conference Friday morning local time as quoted NBC News, Friday (12/23/2016).
Seven people were arrested in raids Monday, December 22 in northwest Melbourne, but police said two of them were later released without charge.
"A plan of attack involving explosives and possibly weapons knives or weapons, targeting the heart of the city region has a population of 4 million. Including the area near Federation Square, Flinders Street Station and St. Paul," said Ashton.

Police said they found "objects suspected improvised explosive device" during a raid. "The plan also involves reconnaissance of the area to be attacked," said Ashton. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called it as one of the most substantial terrorist plot disturbing for some of most recent years. He also vowed that his nation would not be cowed by the threat of terrorism.

Major cities worldwide alert after deadly truck attack to the Christmas market in Berlin on Monday, December 19 evening, killing 12 people and injuring 49 others. Police are still hunting for the culprit.

Followers ISIS
Five suspects allegedly linked to a plan of attack in Melbourne, Australia it is males aged between 21 and 26 years old. All of them are citizens of the land of kangaroos. "Four of them were born in Australia, while the fifth was born in Egypt," Ashton said, adding that four out of five people of Lebanese descent.

"Investigators believe the suspects is a radical group inspired by ISIS and its propaganda. Four out of five people accused of preparation for planning a terrorist act," added Ashton. The suspects had previously been included in the list of 'Person of Interest' Victoria police and intelligence agencies. However, further investigation is done the past two weeks.

"If the plan is successful bombing as planned, it will be a significant attack. There is no doubt about it," said Ashton. Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews condemned the bombing as a crime plot on the expression of religious communities, and called multiculturalism Victoria more solid.

"Australia's central raised the level of terrorism threat level to 'probable' in 2014, responding to the threat posed by ISIS. Since then 57 people have been charged in the 27 counter-terror operations in the country," said Prime Minister MalcolmTurnbull.



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