Thursday, December 22, 2016

These 10 World's Youngest Billionaire, Of Where Their Money?

Newsmoved: As some the young billionaire in the world below. Not only was recorded as the rich world level, the billionaire is also crowned as the youngest billionaire on Earth. Quoted from, Wednesday (12/21/2016), following full list of 10 world's youngest billionaire.
Almost everyone in the world have dreams and goals they want to achieve. Nobody wants to be engineers, doctors, writers, musicians, artists, and others. Not infrequently also wants to be rich, millionaires, and billionaires.

However, such success requires a different time to achieve. There are achieve in a long time, and some are grasping the dream instantly.

1. Ayman Hariri

Ayman Hariri is a young billionaire is 38 years old, who is the son of the king's business, Rafic Hariri. The man who acted as Deputy CEO in one of the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Oger, was recorded as a young businessman aandal and undergraduate Computer Science.

Ayman Hariri, Source: Forbes

Ayman reported in Forbes, worth US $ 1 billion or equivalent to Rp 13.4 trillion. The figure makes the man who was born on May 16, 1978 it was occupied pringkat 10 in a row of the world's youngest billionaire.

2. Robert Pera

Robert Pera is a global communications company founder, Ubiquiti Networks, which was officially published in 2011. Men born March 10, 1978 it founded the communications company in 2005, after stopping work in Apple.Inc.

Robert Pera, Source: Forbes

Men who admire Steve Jobs decided to create a company that provides Wi-Fi high-performance, yet cost friendly. In 2005, to capitalize the personal money of US $ 30 thousand or equivalent to Rp 403 million, Pera founded Ubiquiti Networks.

At the age of 36 years, Pera started receiving Forbes and entered into the list of the world's youngest billionaire. Now the 38-year-old man was reportedly worth US $ 2 billion or equivalent to Rp 26.9 trillion.

3. Sean Parker

Sean Parker ranks eighth as world's youngest billionaire. The 37-year-old man was a generous businessman, who founded the computer document sharing service (file-sharing), Napster.

Sean Parker, Source: Business Insider

The man who was born on December 3, 1979 was also the President of Facebook, founder Plaxo, Causes, Airtime, and Brigade, as well as the founder of the Parker Foundation - organizations that focus on science, public health, and civic engagement. Parker reportedly has a wealth of US4 2.5 billion or equivalent to Rp 33.6 trillion and is the eighth in a series of 10 of the world's youngest billionaire.

4. Fahd Hariri

Fahd Hariri is the youngest 'business tycoon' Rafic Hariri. Just like his brother, Ayman Hariri, Fahd was a successful businessman in the property.

Fahd Hariri, Source: Forbes

The 35-year-old man was a renowned property developer in Beirut and also the leadership of Har Investment Fund. In contrast to his brother who choose to live in Saudi Arabia, Fahd and his wife, Maya, settled in Paris, France. According to estimates Forbes, Fahd wealth reached US $ 1 billion or equivalent to Rp 13.4 trillion.

5. Yang Huiyan

Yang Huiyan is the youngest female billionaire in the world. Women 34 years it was a large shareholder in countru Garden Holdingsand. He also is the 24th richest person in China.

Yang Huiyan, Souce: Forbes

Huiyan was the son of Yang Guaqiang, a prominent Chinese businessmen who founded and led the Country Garden Group - real estate development company in Guangdong.
The father then moved 70 percent of its assets to the women was 34 years. It makes Huiyan became one of the youngest billionaires and the richest young women in the world.

6. Eduardo Saverin

Eduardo Saverin is a businessman, economists, and investors. 34-year-old man was one of the founders of Facebook, using almost all his wealth.

Eduardo Saverin, Source: Studentpreneur

Saverin holds 53 million, or about 0.4 percent of Facebook. Men born March 19, 1982 was reported to also invest money for a startup company, Qwiki and Jumio. Now he was 34 years old was reported to have a total wealth of $ 7.2 billion or equivalent to Rp 96.8 trillion.

7. Albert Von Thurn Und Taxis

Albert Von Thurn Und Taxis is a nobleman, businessman and race car driver. Men 33 years it several times crowned as the world's youngest billionaire, since his father Johannes, 11th Prince Thurnand Taxis, Germany, died.

Albert Von Thurn Und Taxis, Source: Forbes

The father left a considerable inheritance to Albert. So the man who was born on June 24, 1983 it has been named as a billionaire since he was 8 years old.

8. Scott Duncan

Scott Duncan is an American billionaire who heads the Duncan family success through the Enterprise Products.

Scott Duncan, Source: Forbes

Duncan is still a 33 year old was crowned the third-youngest billionaire in the world, with a total wealth of about US $ 4.1 billion or equivalent to Rp 55.1 trillion.

9. Mark Zuckerberg

Almost everyone in the world uses social media-made young billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook. The 32-year-old became the CEO and one of the inventors of the popular medsos.

Mark Zuckerberg, Source: Facebook

Mark wealth expected to reach US $ 50 billion or equivalent to Rp 672 trillion as of December 2016. This figure had raised the name of Mark and put him in the fifth row of the richest man in the world.
Not only that, the man was born May 14, 1984 it was also named as one of the most influential and the most successful businessmen in the world.

10. Dustin Moskovitz

Not just Mark who managed to earn riches from Facebook. Dustin Moskovitz co-founder of Facebook, as well as Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, and Chris Hughes, who also get a lot of money from the popular social media.

Dustin Moskovitz, Source: Forbes

Men born May 22, 1984, now aged 32 years, was estimated to have a fortune of about US $ 10 billion or equivalent to Rp 134.4 trillion.



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