Friday, December 23, 2016

Terror Tactics Truck ISIS Divides Berlin Muslim And Other People?

The view from the top at the location where the truck crashed into a crowd of people at a Christmas market in the center of Berlin, Germany, Monday (19/12). Ambulances and security forces shortly vehicle then appeared on the scene, Source:  REUTERS

Newsmoved: Washington DC - At least 12 people died after a large truck crashed into kekerumunan buyers in the busy Christmas market in Berlin, Germany, Monday, December 19, 2016. Through its media, Amaq, ISIS claimed was behind the terror attacks.

The truth of the claim still dipertanyaan, while German officials are still looking
suspects at once the motive behind the terror attacks.

Regardless, the attack is considered in accordance with one of the goals ISIS:
spread fear and chaos in the West in the hope of dividing the Muslims and other citizens.
Experts in terrorism associate the claim with the declaration of war against Germany - a relatively less experienced terror attacks in the appeal of Belgium and France
Windshield of the truck was badly damaged after crashing into the Christmas Markets in Berlin, Germany, Tuesday (20/12). As a result of this incident, reported 12 people were killed and 48 people were injured, Source: REUTERS

Germany, with a large Muslim community and the history of political disagreement on the issue of immigration muslim-- militant group considered as one of the strategic targets, despite the country's good reputation about tolerance. The dedengkot ISIS in recent months asking supporters to carry out attacks in Germany in various ways, including using the 'weapon' that is not as common as the truck - with the aim of creating an anti-Muslim backlash.

That certainly would make the Muslim community increasingly cornered, but for ISIS it is luck. By dividing the European community and the Muslims, they would woo Muslims undecided on track 'jihad' - in this version of ISIS.

"Although Germany only plays a minor role in the efforts of the anti-ISIS, but the country is one of the most important in Europe Barat-- makes it a good place to sow discord between the Western alliance," said Paul Pillar, a former CIA counterterrorism official once senior researcher of the Center for Security Studies, Georgetown University, as quoted by the Washington Post, Wednesday (12/21/2016).
"The specter of refugees attacked their hosts, in a country that has opened the door for the arrival of Muslim immigrants in large numbers, can intensify the anti-immigration sentiment, not only in Germany, but also elsewhere in Europe."

Less than 24 hours after the terror trucks in Breitscheidplatz, ISIS claimed responsibility and stated the perpetrators are soldiers 'Islamic State'. German police initially arrested a Pakistani asylum seekers who have fled from the scene. Later, he was released because there was not enough evidence to declare involved. The hunt for the perpetrators until today still do.

ISIS just call the assailant as 'soldiers of the Islamic State' but did not elaborate on the information about the perpetrators. Not this time ISIS terrorist act claimed by the individual, who according to them, inspired by propaganda but had no direct links with the terror group or its members.

Some counterterrorism experts claimed skeptical of the claim. Moreover, unlike the previous incident, in which the actors 'die', Berlin truck driver fled from the vehicle and mingle with the crowd.
"Easy to say, 'This is ISIS,' but dalampenyelidikan, you have to question everything and explore all kinds of possibilities," said Ali Soufan, a former FBI special agent supervision. "We have adhered to the evidence."

In November 2016, the French mediaberbahasa ISIS called on Muslims in Europe to emulate the terrorist attacks July 14 in Nice, France - where Tunisian man crashed his truck along the crowded beach and killed 86 people.
Victims of the deadly truck ramming in France increased to 84 people, Source: Reuteur.

Meanwhile, in 2015, an article in a magazine in English ISIS Dabiq, warned that terrorists will begin to target the West with the purpose to provoke a reaction of Muslims who live there.

"Muslims in the West," the article said, "will soon realize their position between two options: they are 'apostate' and adopted the religion (West) or moved to a country ISIS to avoid retaliation."



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